Used Car Cruise Events

Bring your used car, truck, RV, trailer, motorcycle to sell and sell direct to buyers.
No Middle Man, No Commission!

It is free to roam our events and look at vehicles for sale.
You can even list your vehicle for sale on our site without going to an event.
The events are to help promote your vehicle, but you are not required to attend.
If you want to sell your vehicle, log in or create an account
or register by texting your vehicle and contact info with pictures to 724-510-7101 .
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Event Locations

Red = Expired Event

Blue = Active Event

PA, New Castle
Event ID: 24, NAPA store, Union TWP, EVERY SATURDAY
Start: 8/24/2024, 9:00:00 AM
End: 8/24/2024, 9:30:00 AM

Event details   Map and Directions
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PA, New Castle
Event ID: 25, Expired Event
Start: 6/1/2020, 9:00:00 AM
End: 6/1/2020, 1:00:00 PM

Event details   Map and Directions
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PA, Mercer
Event ID: 11, Tentative - Date Not Set - Hovis Auto Truck Supply
Start: 5/1/2020, 10:00:00 AM
End: 1/1/2020, 1:00:00 PM

Event details   Map and Directions
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